Development Roadmap

Slice Up Beta is, as the title says, well… a beta.

Which implies that our highest priority at the moment is that of fixing bugs.

During the next few months we will focus on the following, and we plan to include all this functionality as part of the beta by the end of the year.

  • Open Paths support across all modules.

  • Analytical Tools to analyze slope angles and non-planar parameters to help you maximize print success.

  • Complex Weaves that will allow you to map images, math equations, vectors, or attractor geometries to waves structure.

  • Generate non-Planar ability to generate non-planar toolpath directly in Slice-Up

  • Add support for firmware retraction G10 - G11

  • Loop Combiner to combine walls from different objects

  • Optimization in order to improve performance

We welcome any comment or suggestion on what is more important for you.